“In the midst of this complex situation, as a result of COVID-19, we must move forward and we will fulfill the plans, which entails discipline, demand and individual and collective responsibility,” said Reinaldo García Zapata, vice president of the Provincial Defense Council (CDP) and Governor of the city, in Havana, at a meeting to analyze the Economic and Social Strategy to boost the economy in Havana.

According to the Tribuna de La Habana newspaper, the strategy approved and implemented by the country responds to the challenge posed by the complex scenario in which our economy is developing, with the intensification of the blockade, together with the impact of the pandemic and other adverse elements.

It is a matter of introducing into the economic schemes and development policies, the new actors and practices that have been approved in the Conceptualization, in the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines and in the bases of the National Socioeconomic Development Plan until 2030.

The territorial business activity was discussed with emphasis in the meeting, in which it was known that February closed with a compliance of net sales and of the Employment and Wage indicators and, in general, profits are overcomplied, although entities of several capital municipalities concluded with losses in that period of time.

It was known that in Havana more than 20,000 jobs have been offered -accepted by 13,807 workers- and more than 71,400 people work remotely, according to the policies at national level to promote teleworking, to stop the spread of the pandemic and to develop the economy.

Associated to the Ordering Task there are a group of factors that have impacted in this first stage in the economic results of the business sector, such as the slight divorce between the compliance of sales and the territorial contribution, aspect that has been analyzed in previous meetings, since some municipalities do not comply with this last indicator, although they are up to date with the sales plan.

Likewise, all municipalities overcomply with the surplus. There is insufficient action in the collection of outstanding fines, especially those related to Decrees 14, 30 and 31.

With respect to the Housing Plan, the possibility of its compliance was specified, said the authorities in charge of the subject, without ignoring that there are still deficiencies in the documentation of the works, the administration of the resources and the completion of the work force.

García Zapata pointed out that there are deficiencies in the coordination between the Housing and Physical Planning departments, which should be more agile.

In the meeting, it was also emphasized that the materials to be sold have as a priority the subsidized citizens, and in a second place of importance the homes that are being built by their own efforts.

Regarding this issue, Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, President of the Defense Council and first secretary of the Party in the capital, urged to promote the production of construction materials, offering facilities to the producers, which, at the same time, generates a feeling of belonging and love for the locality, as well as the handicraft-industrial development of the municipality.


Grisel de la Nuez, provincial director of Finance and Prices, explained that the municipalities have money and if the territories do not reach the necessary income, they must reduce their expenses, without affecting those of the personnel.

In the same order, with the Ordinance Task, the salary of the budgeted workers increased and it must be ensured that the workload for which they are paid is complied with.

De la Nuez insisted on the need to improve the collection of fines so that violations do not go unpunished, besides the fact that this amount of money can be used in the development of the economy.

In his conclusions, the president of the CDP emphasized the importance of creating work systems that eliminate empiricism and the need to employ the non-productive force in the productive sector and not in the budgeted sector in order to create the wealth that the country needs.

Taken from Granma