Contacts of interest

We put at your disposal the contacts of the main managers and specialists of the center.

Lic. Roberto
Verrier Castro
10 Street No. 512 between 5ta y 31, Playa,Havana, Cuba
MsC. Daylí
Martínez Amorós
10 Street No. 512 between 5ta y 31, Playa,Havana, Cuba
Lic. Alegna
Lombillo Urgelles
Head of Market Research Group
10 Street No. 512 between 5ta y 31, Playa,Havana, Cuba
Lic. Elaine
Pérez Sanchidrián
Head of Commercial Information Group
10 Street No. 512 between 5ta y 31, Playa,Havana, Cuba
Lic. Karen
Jiménez Coico
Head of Foreign Investment Promotion Group
10 Street No. 512 between 5ta y 31, Playa,Havana, Cuba
Lic. Karen
Alonso Zayas
Head of Communication, Promotion and Image Group
10 Street No. 512 between 5ta y 31, Playa,Havana, Cuba
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